The unconditional love of Christ provides wholeness for us. If you’re still looking for something else to fill your needs, chances are you are operating in pride. Pride tells us that we must think of ourselves, protect ourselves and be self serving. This is the exact opposite of the truth of our Heavenly Father. In the book of Isaiah chapter 26, we see that as we keep our minds stayed on Him, he will give us perfect peace because we trust Him. You can’t keep your mind on Him when you are focused on yourself and the issues of this world that concern you. When you trust in God for His love, wholeness and provision, you put every concern in His hands and not your own.
“Give your burdens to the LORD and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” (Psalm 55:22)
Proverbs 11:2 tells us that when Pride comes, so does dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom.
The word of God tells us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first and foremost. All other things that we need will be added unto us (by Him). (Matthew 6:33). Submitting and depending fully on God means letting go of you and learning more of Him. It requires trusting Him to provide the desires of our hearts. He supports us and makes provision for us as we seek after Him. He knows exactly what we have need of. It is in His eternal character to provide for His beloved children.
We see the manifestations of greater things on our lives as we point our hearts and minds toward Him. He makes provision for us. Pride and hardening of the heart will always keep your focus on the cares of this world. The cares of this world will never water the seeds of love and provision that he has planted inside of you. Turn back to Him and let go of everything else.
(Proverbs 11:2)