Bread For The Believer

It’s Okay To Cry…

September 29, 2017 0

When I was a kid, I was a cry baby. I don’t know if the pain of conflict between friends or picked on at school was the reason for all of the tears I shed. […]

Bread For The Believer

Is America Being Judged?

September 27, 2017 0

My friend, did you know not only is God not judging Christians, but as a composite whole He is not judging nations because of the cross either? Today there are many teachings that America will […]

Bread For The Believer

A Holy Battle Plan For Your Words

September 16, 2017 0

By Lori Suitor I started to get stressed last night over a sad situation. A dear friend challenged me to change my decree from words of fear and frustration to words of life. A conviction […]

Bread For The Believer

Unwavering Faith

September 1, 2017 0

STAGGERED :: DIAKRINO (gr.) Wavered, Disputed, judged or contended with in the mind. Considered the circumstances weighed out against the promises. “He (Abraham) STAGGERED NOT at the promises of God (the words God said to […]