A Holy Battle Plan For Your Words

By Lori Suitor

I started to get stressed last night over a sad situation. A dear friend challenged me to change my decree from words of fear and frustration to words of life. A conviction set in and the Holy Spirit started to speak to me.…

This is a HOLY BATTLE PLAN that I am revealing to you today! Do not underestimate your power to change reality with your words! You can create LIFE with your words! The enemy knows this that’s why he loves gossip and complaining for it creates more of the same kind of death and destruction!

Take your mouth out of the enemy’s arsenal by REFUSING to speak words of frustration, even if it’s only occasionally. You need to understand that you are painting the landscape of your world with your words! The most frustrating situations and fiercest battles are waiting upon your decree of LIFE and LOVE in order to change.

It will feel unnatural at first to speak the opposite of what you see with your eyes (remember the word to move differently in this season) but IT WILL CHANGE! You will see flowers bloom in the places you decreed as barren in the past! Use the creativity I’ve given you to CREATE beauty in the most unlikely places! You’ve been waiting on Me to do it FOR you, but I want to change your world WITH you!

Understand the authority I’ve given you! Speak LIFE! Speak PEACE! Speak LOVE! Speak the SOLUTION and not the problem! Speak the STRENGTH and not the weakness! Speak the WHOLENESS and not the disease!

Your world is waiting to change upon your decree!!!! What areas have brought so many tears you have called it hopeless? What areas have caused so much heartache that you feel your heart can’t take one more discouragement or it will break into a million pieces? What beauty do you want to see planted in that very spot?? SPEAK peace into regions! SPEAK love into families! SPEAK IT into existence! NO MATTER WHAT IT FEELS LIKE speak God’s LIFE into the person, place, or situation!!! Watch it all start to TURNAROUND!!!
