Living Word Daily Devotion (Grace World) “Keep Burning”

“I’d like to encourage you to keep burning. You are on fire, you’re flaming, you smell like smoke. Keep your woods dried up, don’t let the things you don’t understand talk you down or quench your passion. Stay committed!”
-Joseph Bourdilon

Hi darling. I’d like to start with something funny. I heard about this airplane that was about to crash. There were four passengers, but only three parachutes. The first passenger said, “I’m a leading heart surgeon. My patients need me.” He grabbed the first parachute and jumped. The second passenger said, “I’m a rocket scientist. One of the smartest men in the world. My country needs me.” He took the second parachute and jumped. The third passenger was Pope John Paul. He said to the fourth passenger, a ten year old boy scout, “Son, I’m old and frail, you take the last parachute.” The boy scout said, “That’s okay sir, there’s still two parachutes left. The world’s smartest man just jumped out with my backpack.”

We have all come too far to throw away the fire, to lessen passion and quit the fight. Be a die hard believer. Don’t be the type who needs people’s applause to succeed, stay committed or do the right thing. There is a fire in you, just like the three Hebrew boys you are carrying fire, so no fiery furnace can burn you.

I want to ask you to keep burning. In the Old Testament the High priest was commanded to burn the wood of sacrifice every morning and night, the fire was not expected to run out. There is no way you burn and don’t stay warm, so keep burning!

Most times we come to a place of revival only to lose the fire. Many people can pray a revival, but not many can keep a revival. The Azuza street has only become a tale because they didn’t keep it going. Don’t allow obstacles to cancel your faith, keep burning the wood of hope. The doctors have told you you have no chance, three weeks to go, you are dying but keep burning the wood of hope. The scripture calls us the prisoners of hope. You may be fighting things now, but victory is at the gym warming up, triumph is on the way.

Elijah didn’t quench the fire because of 40 prophets of Baal. Elisha didn’t quench the fire because of the children that talked about his bald head. Paul didn’t quench the fire even after shipwrecks. Do like these people and keep it going, keep believing. I believe and declare, your days of blessings are finally here in Jesus name. Amen!

™P: Pray for a revival daily. Keep it burning by constant prayers, meditation and study.


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