By Brian Simmons
Listen to My words, child of Mine. I will guard you and protect you from all forms of evil. Your true calling in life is to be an overcomer, which means you will be challenged at times. Darkness is set against you, but I am the light that will split open the darkness and bring victory. Have I not promised to deliver you and to be your wraparound shield? Let your eyes focus on My shield of victory and not on the dark- ness of evil that shrouds the nations. Be filled with delight as you walk in My light. I will be the answer to the earth’s evil.
Hold tightly to every promise that I have given you, beloved. Write My words upon your heart and fill your mind with My wisdom. The days ahead will be more than you expect, for both glory and shaking are upon you. The more severe the shaking of your circumstances, the clearer will be My invitation to partake of My glory. The storms are coming, My child, but they will bring forth My new wine and My new expression of grace for you.
You will overcome all things—I am with you. Place My armor on your soul and go forth to see your enemies vanquished. Wear My righteousness over your heart and My delivering power on your mind. My good news will be your shoes, My truth will keep you strong, and My sword of power will energize your every step.
Be faithful to Me and stand true. You will be My over- coming witness to many, so take My words as your weapons today. You will not give in to the darkness and the weariness that is coming over My saints, but you will prevail, for I am the God of strength and the source of mighty power. Be strong, My overcoming one, and you will see My days of miracles.
EPHESIANS 6:10–11, #ThePassionTranslation
“Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of His explosive power flowing in and through you. Put on the full suit of armor that God wears when He goes into battle, so you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser!”
Have you ever felt like you were barely keeping your head above water? Take a moment to reflect about and write down what it means for God to be your wraparound shield, delivering you and protecting you along life’s path.