More Supernatural Grace: Prophetic Dream Reveals Next Holy-Spirit Outpouring

By Wanda Alger

I woke up from a series of dreams that were incredible. In every one of them, miracles occurred, deliverance happened and gifts of the Spirit were exploding. The thing was, I didn’t do anything different. I was just doing life. Ways in which I had always hoped God could use me suddenly happened! I saw breakthroughs and demonstrations of power that I had always prayed about, but rarely saw. Yet, it was just so easy as I watched and followed what the Father was doing.

As I pondered the significance of this, I realized I was being shown what is coming in this next great outpouring of the Holy Spirit—an increase of supernatural grace. Instead of chasing after the gifts of the Spirit and trying so hard to produce miracles, we will walk in a grace of the Spirit that will bring powerful results. That which we have previously worked for, wept for and prayed for will simply happen. Because of this grace.

After Pentecost, there is mention of a great grace that was at work in all that happened:

“With great power the apostles testified to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on them all” (Acts 4:33).

This kind of grace enabled every believer to walk in signs, wonders and miracles. it wasn’t because of some great anointing, title or position, but because of this great grace. This grace is defined as “the spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace; the token or proof of grace.” This grace was not just a principle of faith, but a channel of heaven’s power. It opened up a gateway to signs, wonders and miracles without any human assistance or effort.

I don’t think we’ve even begun to comprehend the power of this grace. We don’t have to work for miracles. We don’t have to strive for demonstrations of the Spirit. Rather, by faith, we walk in the knowledge of being sons and daughters who have an inheritance now to show forth the glories of God (1 Cor. 1:4-8). He takes the deposit of His Spirit residing in us and activates that power for His glory.

I believe we will see indications of this grace in the days to come as a first-fruits gift from heaven. Where grace has been misunderstood and underestimated, God is going to demonstrate this grace without warning. Watch for it. Expect Him to use you in ways you have long prayed for. Perhaps you’ve even given up, thinking your own spiritual efforts produced little fruit. That’s the whole point. You won’t be able to earn this. You simply walk in it by faith (Rom. 5:2). Store up His Word in your heart, walk in daily obedience and love Him and others around you with a fierce love that is relentless. It is upon the soil of your softened and prepared heart that He will spring forth with this grace.

Stop working for something you already have. Start walking in the reality that He is the one doing the work, not you. Just watch and follow. Release what is already inside of you. This grace is a power yet unleashed—and it will change everything.

Then he said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts. ‘Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will be made level ground, and he will bring out the top stone amidst shouting of ‘Grace! Grace to the stone!’ ” (Zech. 4:6-7).

Wanda Alger is a field correspondent and writer with Intercessors for America ( and has contributed to numerous online publications such as Christian Post, The Elijah List and Spirit Fuel. She is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA ( and is the author of several books, including Oracles of Grace: Building a Legacy of Wisdom and Revelation. Follow her blog at