Are you burned out and beat down by life, religion, failure, inferiority, sickness, sin, or whatever it may be? Then I just want to encourage you to come to Christ all you who are burdened and He alone will GIVE you rest. His desire is for you to freely receive His free gift of rest.
Rest isn’t doing nothing, but it’s a supernatural peace that is only found in Jesus as you complete your daily duties! So as you tend to your family responsibilities, work responsibilities, daily stresses, etc. instead of fearing, striving and becoming burned out, you can simply receive His rest.
Jesus wants nothing more than for you to come to Him with these burdens and exchange them for His rest. He loves it when you see Him as your savior in every area and sees it as faith on your part when you cast your cares on Him…it is trust/faith to do that because it shows that you believe He cares for you and that you see him as your savior! See Him taking your cares and then confidently expect His supernatural rest to follow when you cast them on Him.
See Him taking your problem as His and crushing it, as you run away confidently knowing He has it under control and you’re now free! If he created all we see in this beautiful world and holds the world in his hands, then your problem is nothing to Him! Just receive and keep on receiving and basking in the freedom that is His rest!