Morning Meditation: BELIEVE, This is The Work of The Lord

“Then they asked Him, “What are we to do, so that we may habitually be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered, “This is the work of God: that you believe [adhere to, trust in, rely on, and have faith] in the One whom He has sent.”
–John 6:28-29 (AMP)

Distractions and daily interruptions aim to take our mind and heart away from Jesus. The mind and the body often fight to switch focus from resting in the finished work of Christ to the perils of self-effort. It seems like the natural way of accomplishing things in this life–our works. Before Christ in our lives, everything was about our own merits and what we could do for ourselves and others. We were fueled by the notion that whatever we needed, we had the ability to accomplish it ourselves, alone. Self reliance was a dominant factor in our lives.

After surrendering to the call of Christ, we became established–not by our own works, but by the Anointed and Holy Son of God. A perfect sacrafice was made to reconcile relationship with our Heavenly Father. An eternal foundation of Grace was established in us. We became a part of the fruitful vine of everlasting life in Christ. He lifted us out of the muck and mire of futile works and placed us in the restful beauty of heavenly places: preparing our way and equipping us with everything we need for life and godliness. We took on the divine nature of Sonship. Our sins were forgiven yesterday, today and forever. Our bodies were healed. Our inheritance in Christ was sealed. We were made eternally righteous. We were set aside and made holy. We entered a place of heavenly wealth and provision. We were made victorious!! None of this happened by our own performance, plans or ideas. Nothing was earned. It was Christ alone, a total result of His love for us, all of which is fully accessible by FAITH.

We mustn’t forget who we are in Christ and what glorious things he has done for us. Our work now is to labor (make a concerted effort) to believe Him and rest in what He has already accomplished for us on the cross. His sacrafice established The Covenant of Grace. We can’t demote Grace to a powerless force. In doing so, we deny the covenant established by the precious blood of Jesus and put our dead works ahead of His cleansing blood. Our works never could reconcile us to God. Our works could never mimic the power of His Grace working through us. His Grace is so much more than enough for us. It fully conquered sin and is made available to us on a continuum–just ask. We are saturated with unconditional Love, Grace in abundance, perfect Peace, tender renewed Mercy, eternal Hope, abounding Faith and absolute Truth in Jesus Christ.

When you find yourself reverting back to the old habit of trusting in your own works, take a deep breath and point back to Jesus. You are so much more in Him and He works through you to accomplish so much more than you could ever do alone. Walk by faith and BELIEVE His word despite what you see and how you feel. As you keep your heart and mind on Him, you will see the manifestation of His glorious Grace and Truth in your life. God gets all of the glory!!