Month: October 2018

I Hear His Whisper… “I will provide all that you need.”
By Brian Simmons My child, I am the One who cares for every living thing, giving them their food and water. The beasts of the field and the birds of the air find their rest […]

Morning Meditation: He is Our Refuge–A Place of Rest!
Jesus is our shelter, safety, protection and refuge. He is our sanctuary (a holy oasis overflowing with abundance). He is our Peace. His Grace is more than enough for us. Be still and rest in […]

I Hear His Whisper: “Find Strength In Rest”
By Brian Simmons Today you will set your heart before Me in My peace. You will find a strength in rest. Your part is to rest at My feet; My part is to prepare your […]

Morning Meditation: This is Submission…
This is submission, it was the attitude that Christ took upon Himself to walk in complete agreement with and obedience to God–fully humbled, totally surrendered, nothing in opposition to the truth of God. He did […]

I Hear His Whisper:
The time has come for you to advance. You have remained in the place you are for long enough. You have crossed over a bridge and found the pleasant path that leads deeper into My […]