It’s hard to feel seen and heard when you constantly feel like you’ll be rejected and judged. Religion tends to view God as mean, hyper-critical and unloving. Hence, we have so many that feel the need to wear masks around not only God, but others as well. They dress up the outside making themselves appear nice and neat as if they have it all together, while they’re crying for LOVE underneath.
Just experiencing that and seeing it as truth is what motivates me to want to scream, ‘Grace! Grace!’ to the world, that they may finally be able to come to God just as they are: no pre-tenses, mask-off, arms open, running into His beautiful and loving Father’s arms… There, they can finally be seen just as they are, mess and all, and hear the voice of grace (Jesus) whisper, “I love you and always have!”
If you had to be perfect to receive Jesus or come to Jesus, then there would never be any need for Him as you could save yourself. However, we can’t save ourselves and we need a savior. His job title is SAVIOR and He delights in SAVING! It would be like asking you to be clean before you submerged in water…IMPOSSIBLE!
I just want to encourage everyone today, that we can just BE in His presence. If you’ve ever been scared of coming to God out of fear that He won’t accept you unless you do all these things, follow all these rules, and are perfect, I want you to reject that and run into His arms today! He loves you so personally and so passionately that there’s nothing you can do about it but receive His overwhelming heart of PURE LOVE for you, beloved! You can come to Him exactly as you are. Nothing is a shock to Him.
We can’t fully feel loved unless we know the one who created us sees everything about us and hears us completely, yet STILL loves us! While we WERE still sinners Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:8)