I hear Him whisper…”Your life is in My hands.”

By Brian Simmons

Your days have been ordered and set in place by Love. Even if were to pass through life’s darkest shadows, fear will be far from you for I am near. You see ups and downs, I see you ascending the Hill of My holiness. It is true that I have placed you at My hand in the heavenly realms, but your understanding of My ways has not yet excelled. Come up higher through the open door, which is My open heart for you. I will teach you My ways and begin to implant My thoughts deeper into you. Many are convinced that they Me, but they know so little of My Mysteries. Come and sit with Me in the heavenly realm and I will disclose My heart to you and teach you out of Zion’s glory.

Make yourself available to Me and I will dispense My Spirit through you into others. You can say no longer, ‘Some day God will use me,’ when that day has already come. I will use you this day as you make yourself available to Me and let Me fill you with My Spirit.

I will give you Wisdom. Others will give you opinions and truths, I will give you Wisdom. No longer will you live like you are unwise and untaught, for Wisdom has come to live in you as you feed upon My Word. My Wisdom will open doors for you into the glory of each day. Wisdom builds for future plans, but wisdom is seen by those who cherish each day as My gift. Many are robbed of Today because they have their hearts set on Someday. My Wisdom will give you Light to live this day in Truth and Victory. The restoration of Wisdom has begun, and I call you to carry My Wisdom, Jesus Christ, and reveal Him to the nations.

I will cause you to reap. Fruit comes from Me and the work of My Spirit and not the labors of men. Does the lily toil to be beautiful? Does the vine labor to bring forth grapes? Does the bird lack sky in which to fly? Does the fish lack water in which to swim? The fruit I will bring in your life will not come merely through your efforts, but as you yield to My Spirit’s fullness. For the harvest of My Spirit is love unending and contentment uncontainable.

Your life is My hands and you are not alone, for I have cast out loneliness from your heart and filled you with the Hope of Glory. Your days will bring you closer to My ways and even your tears will become the seeds I plant to make My garden within you even more fruitful. Take one day and fill it with My presence and watch what I will do for you, for I am your Father, the Father of endless mercy.

As I awoke with these words, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me more about the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Here they are from:
The Passion Translation, Galatians 5:22-23

The fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is Divine love in all its various expressions. This love is revealed through:
Joy that overflows,
Peace that subdues,
Patience that endures,
Kindness on display,
A life full of virtue,
Faith that prevails,
Gentleness of heart, and
Strength of spirit.
So never set the law above these qualities,
for they are meant to be limitless.