Bread For The Believer

Receive HIS Supernatural Rest

August 28, 2018 0

Are you burned out and beat down by life, religion, failure, inferiority, sickness, sin, or whatever it may be? Then I just want to encourage you to come to Christ all you who are burdened […]

Bread For The Believer

Reconciliation is God’s Plan

August 19, 2018 0

By Eric Celerier Did you know that God’s greatest plan for humanity is reconciliation? God grants relationships a special significance…He wants you to be close to Him and close to your family and loved ones. […]

Bread For The Believer

Wisdom To Overcome

August 18, 2018 0

By Mike Murdock There Will Be Moments When You Feel Like Your Life Has Been Wasted. I am not always happy. I am not always excited. I do not always feel hope. There are times […]

Bread For The Believer

Choose Your Words & Change Your Life…

August 16, 2018 0

By Joseph Prince Do you know the words you say can alter the outcome of your situations and in fact, set the direction of your life? The Bible tells us very plainly how our tongues […]

Bread For The Believer

Morning Meditation: Recieve

August 16, 2018 0

God is the greatest giver. He is the creator of all good gifts. It is the core of His being, His nature, His heart. He created man a fillable vessel and the object of His […]

Food For Your Spirit

Jesus, God’s Greatest Promise!

July 25, 2018 0

By Eric Celerier We find numerous promises that God made in the Bible, but do you know the ultimate promise that He made? The promise that upholds your life and mine, and others’ lives as […]