Christ is Your Righteousness!

Sin Is No Longer Your Master...

By Allison Ramirez

The key to sin not having dominion over you, is to first AWAKE to the FACT that as a believer, Christ is your righteousness which is a GIFT to be received and not earned. Notice the order of the following few scriptures:

“Awake to righteousness and sin not…”–1 Cor. 15:34

“… And Jesus said to her, Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more.”–John 8:11

“For sin will no longer be a master over you, since you are not under law but under grace.” Rom. 6:14

“… those who receive an abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”–Rom. 5: 17

It appears that the key over sin is to know that you are righteous NO MATTER WHAT, because it’s a free gift. And as you first realize your right standing and unconditional righteous identity, even despite your sin and in midst of your sins, then that is considered awakening to righteousness… which as an effect causes sin to lose its grip!

This may be contrary to what we have been taught in the world and even church. We are traditionally taught to first sin not and then we won’t be condemned or even to first sin not and then we will be considered righteous. We have it backwards. The word of God has the perfect and true order in plain sight.

The above few of many scriptures reveal that it’s only when we FIRST receive an ABUNDANCE of grace, the GIFT of righteousness and the GIFT of no condemnation, that we will then reign in this life.

So today, I want to encourage you that once you received the gift of salvation, with it you also received a NEW unconditional identity… the GIFT of righteousness which can never be undone. And it is in awakening to the truth that Jesus alone is your righteousness and rightfully seeing and believing this new identity about yourself regardless of your sins, that sin will then have no power in your life.

If you’ve received the free gift of salvation, you are free indeed and saved indeed, once and for all. Be free in this truth and watch yourself reign over all that you currently see reigning over you!