By Brian Simmons
The victory I call you to walk in is already within you. When everything seems difficult, yield to my life within, and you will find grace. My promise is a promise of victory, and my victory is my life released in you. I dispense my glory when you open your heart deeper to me. Taste my victory and rest in me, for I have overcome all things.
I have brought you to this place because of my passionate and tender love for you. I want to show you my victory. I want you to learn of me and take my easy yoke upon your soul and find rest. Have I not promised to lead you to the quiet brooks of peace? I will show you the path as you still your heart before me. Trust in me and not in what you see. Believe in me when fear attempts to stop your advance, and you will find my oasis of victory. Even when you don’t know what to do or what step to take, my peace will guide you. Take my gift of today’s victory and be content as I prepare tomorrow’s triumph.
You empower me for victory with your wrap-around presence.Your power within makes me strong to subdue, and by stooping down in gentleness you strengthened me and made me great!
Psalm 18:35
The Passion Translation