Bread For The Believer

Are Your Deeds Incomplete?

February 12, 2019 0

By Paul Ellis If Christians are worn out, it is for one of two reasons: (1) they don’t know how much their Father loves them and (2) they have an unbiblical definition of work. Hey, […]

Bread For The Believer

MORNING MEDITATION: His Gifts In Abundance…

February 2, 2019 0

His Love, Grace, Mercy, Goodness and Kindness toward you flow like eternal springs. So much so, that recieving the gift of Jesus Christ (by faith) opens the floodgates for every eternal gift to overflow in […]

Bread For The Believer

God’s Purpose is Magnificent!

January 19, 2019 0

By Eric Celerier God has a purpose for your life. He has a goal. What He wants to do with your life is an important question to ask yourself and Him! “And we know that […]

Bread For The Believer

Morning Meditation: The Finished Work of Christ

January 12, 2019 0

Jesus Christ defeated every obstacle, temptation and attack that you may face in this life. Their defeat is eternal–their weapons rendered innocuous. Nothing in this universe, seen or unseen has the power or authority to […]

Bread For The Believer

Morning Meditation: Abundant Overflow

January 4, 2019 0

The fullness of Christ in you is not limited to your capacity to contain. His Kingdom is a rushing river, flooding the innermost parts of man and gushing forth like a geyser. Where there is […]

Bread For The Believer

God’s DNA And Your Identity In Him

January 1, 2019 0

By Michele Holderman No one else can carry what God the Father has uniquely given you to carry. Absolutely no one can do that but YOU. Oh someone else can try to, but it will […]