We Wrestle Not…

By Granville Reed IV

In Ephesians 6:12 Paul tells us that as true believers, we wrestle not with each other, but against dark powers, rulers and principalities. The status of the world and country we live in is less the product of a politician or political party, yet moreover, a reflection of a church that practices Paul’s words in reverse. When it comes to state of our communities and society, we argue amongst ourselves constantly, but when it comes to engaging and doing our part for a better way, we simply “wrestle not”. In 1 Peter 5:8, the Aposlte teaches;

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

We, the body of Christ are God’s agents of change in an unjust world. Our present challenge of being an effective solution to the problems of this world is due to our lack of knowledge of who we are; the righteousness of God, equipped with power through God’s grace.

Grace is undeserved favor, but favor none the less; and when the collective people of God walk in His Grace; the gospel of Jesus Christ breaks every motive and plot the rulers and power brokers of this world have in mind.

In Acts 4, after receiving a stern warning from high ranking officials to never preach Jesus to the people; the first church came together and prayed; asking to be granted the boldness to continue to proclaim the good news, knowing their very lives were on the line.
The word says their prayer was answered, and they proceeded with “great grace” from that moment.

This is what the world needs, a body of Christ fully aware of who they are through His finished work on the cross, the beneficiaries of God’s grace, the world’s alternative to the lies of the deciever; the human evidence of Jesus Christ; who alone is the answer to all of life’s

So we can argue politicians until we get personal with one another, or we can realize that we, not the rulers have the solution. Let’s quit our useless conflicts, and boldly speak Christ, and His unquenchable power over wickedness. It’s actually not hard to do, He lives in us. Give it a try today.