Justified forever!

By Allison Ramirez

For many Christians, their peace with God is dependent upon how well they are doing at adhering to all of the rules perfectly and making no mistakes. On days where they feel they’ve done pretty well and crossed most their t’s and dotted most their i’s, they feel they can draw near to God. On days where they have failed to do so, they feel they’re far away from God.

You can come boldly to Him today and have perfect peace with Him today, even when you’ve failed and made many mistakes…”

But the Gospel (good news) isn’t dependent upon our ability to make no mistakes, but rather Christ’s ability to make no mistakes alone. This is the Gospel that says “Come boldly (without fear) to the throne of GRACE to receive mercy and help in your time of need”. Not your time of perfection, but your time of failure!

You can come boldly to Him today and have perfect peace with Him today, even when you’ve failed and made many mistakes, because relationship with God is not based on you and how well you can do, but based on Jesus. The word says that Jesus has perfected us once for ALL TIME in His perfect once for all time sacrifice in the cross.

You have been perfected past, present and future. And since the new covenant was not cut between you, God and Jesus but rather only Jesus and God alone FOR you, then you can relax and breathe knowing that Jesus did a perfect job to reconcile you to the Father as a free gift that you could never earn or merit. Rest in the finished once for all work of Jesus and have peace! After all, we were justified (made right with God) not by works (aka obedience) but by faith in His finished work on the cross and now always and forever.