I Hear His Whisper: This is what I long to do for you..

By Brian Simmons

I call you to joy and thanksgiving! Let every day be the day of magnificent praises! Lift up your eyes and see the blessings I have provided for you, and let the world know that you are mine. The redeemed must say so by their thanks and extravagant praise. Today, set your heart before me, your Father, and learn the sweet lessons of gratitude. I will free you when you give me thanks!

He had everyone sit down on the grass as he took the five loaves and two fish. He looked up into heaven, gave thanks to God, and broke the bread into pieces. . . And everyone ate until they were satisfied, for the food was multiplied in front of their eyes! —MATTHEW 14:19-20 (TPT)–

When my Son walked the earth, he demonstrated the power of thanksgiving in the face of lack. Remember when he didn’t have enough food to feed the multitudes? Instead of sending them away and relying on natural wisdom, he thanked me for what he had and trusted me to do the rest. I answered by giving more than was needed. This is what I long to do for you. Thank me and stir yourself to praise! Remind yourself that I am the God of miracles. Become a person of gratefulness and shake off that complaining. You’re too lovely for that. Watch what I can do in the midst of opposition when you praise me!