Christ In You…
Before you pray, “God, be with us,” or “Fall upon us, Holy Spirit,” or “Holy Spirit, we invite your presence,” think about where God is at that moment. Did He go somewhere else, that you […]
Before you pray, “God, be with us,” or “Fall upon us, Holy Spirit,” or “Holy Spirit, we invite your presence,” think about where God is at that moment. Did He go somewhere else, that you […]
By Joseph Prince “But the righteousness of faith speaks…” –Romans 10:6 ( NKJ) Let me share something powerful with you about righteousness. In Romans 10:6, God’s Word tells us that the “righteousness of faith speaks”. […]
By Joseph Prince “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”—James 5:16 NLT The Hebrew word qarah is often used in the Bible to explain God-ordained happenings. The first time qarah is mentioned is in […]
God is LOVE, sweet, sweet unconditional, active, vibrant, wonder-working, sacrificial love. He has shown us over and over by His grace and His tender mercy shown toward every man. His compassion and lovingkindness washes over […]
By Paul Ellis Self-righteousness is the worst disease to ever afflict the human race. Self-righteousness will keep you from grace and lock you out of the kingdom. For this reason, great preachers like Martin Luther […]
By Joseph Prince “Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.” And when he had consulted with the […]
By Brad Robertson Why Do I Still Have Sinful Desires And Thoughts? Now that I understand grace, why do I still have sinful desires and thoughts? Galatians 5:17 says: “For the flesh desires what is […]
By Joseph Prince Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.–2 Corinthians 10:5 Unfortunately, unbeknownst to many believers today, the enemy has launched malicious disinformation campaigns that have effectively enslaved them for years […]
By Matt McMillen The same concrete, two-by-fours, and drywall—used to build your church—were also used to build your local KFC and strip club. There’s nothing holy about the physical location we call church. I don’t […]
By David Moss Imagine for a moment I have a new Bible and I put a penny in it. The Bible sits on my desk at home. Where is the penny? It’s on my desk. […]
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