That Hunger You Feel…

By Ty Cobb

That hunger you feel…

for “more” of God…

is not because you lack anything.

It is just His way of telling you…

that you’ve got so much more already…

that you aren’t yet experiencing.

He is not withholding from you.

He’s not holding it just out of your reach saying,

“That’s it.
Jump a little higher.
Pray a little more.
Be more sincere.
THEN I’ll give it to you.”


Just open your eyes…

to what He has already done.

Awaken to who He has already made you to be.

Revel in the finished work of the cross.

Believe what He has said…

is already true about you.

EVERYTHING you need…

and desire…

you already have in full supply.

You can’t have…

even .000001% more righteousness,



or the Holy Spirit…

or you would have more than God Himself…

because of His fullness we have all received.

He has already given you Himself…

all of Him…

and that is a whole lot of God.


when you “feel” hungry…

or thirsty…

or you desire more,

realize it is just Him…

letting you know there is more to discover…

in what He has already done…

and already given.

Dig into the treasure that He has placed in you.

When you look for “more” of Him…

outside yourself…


out there…..

it only leads to frustration…

and disappointment.

But when you dare to believe…

that the work is already finished…

that He has already done it all…

and that now it is your mission…

your delight–

to plumb the depths of His goodness…

to discover the length…

and width…

and height…

and breadth of His love.

That is so much better…

than seeing His fullness…

as something outside yourself,

something you need to strive for,

contend for,

press in to…

and beg for.

He has already given us…

ALL things freely to enjoy.

He has already blessed us…

with EVERY spiritual blessing…

in heavenly places.

He has already given us the Spirit…

without measure.

He has taken you….

and placed you smack dab in the center…

of the garden of delights…

where you feed off of the Tree of Life…

and drink from the Living Waters.

Your job now…

is to tend the garden…

to discover its treasures…

to spend your days….

with your Daddy…

with Jesus Himself…

with Holy Spirit…


and playing….


and seeking…


and loving.

Just revel is His goodness.

Soak in His grace.

Rest in His presence…

And look in His face.

Ask for a revelation…

of His finished work on the cross…

and then prepare to have your mind blown.

~ Ty Cobb