I Hear His Whisper…”You are in Christ.”

By Brian Simmons
I will treat you as I treat my Son, for I have placed you in him, my beloved. You will face and look upon me as my cherished one, for I will treat you with the favor that Jesus deserves.

He has taken all that you deserved and carried it as his cross to Calvary. Now I will take all that he deserves and place it upon you.

I have placed you in him so that I can treat you like him. Inside of my heart you abide. I have placed you inside the relationship I have with my Son and Spirit.

My endless love is now toward you with the same strength that is toward my Son. Though your heart is dull, cling to these words: I love you with the love I have for my Son, for you are in him forever.
John 1:18 The Passion Translation
“No one has ever gazed upon the fullness of God’s splendor except the uniquely beloved Son,who is cherished by the Father and held close to his heart. Now he has unfolded to us the full explanation of who God truly is!”