Bread For The Believer

Morning Meditation: Don’t Reject The Mercy of God…

May 25, 2019 0

MERCY: Compassion, lovingkindness, forbearance toward one who offends. His mercies are freely poured into our lives. He is rich in abundance of mercy. Mercy is a product of His everlasting love for mankind. Just as […]

Food For Your Spirit

That Hunger You Feel…

April 21, 2019 0

By Ty Cobb That hunger you feel… for “more” of God… is not because you lack anything. It is just His way of telling you… that you’ve got so much more already… that you aren’t […]

Bread For The Believer

Be Free From Lack!

April 16, 2019 0

By Joseph Prince But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand to the Lord, God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth.” -Genesis 14:22 Do you believe that our […]

Bread For The Believer

Christ is Your Righteousness!

March 29, 2019 0

By Allison Ramirez The key to sin not having dominion over you, is to first AWAKE to the FACT that as a believer, Christ is your righteousness which is a GIFT to be received and […]

Bread For The Believer

The Fertile Soil of Grace

March 11, 2019 0

By Joel Brueseke My parents live in the southeastern part of Missouri, and the six-hour drive to see them is filled with all kinds of scenery. We pass through a lot of ‘grape’ country – […]

Bread For The Believer

Right Place, Right Time…

February 26, 2019 0

By Joseph Prince Jesus said to him [Peter], “…lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, […]