I Hear His Whisper: Surrender To The Silence
There are times I need you to be vigilant and courageous, times when your declarations of faith and prayers of intercession make all the difference. But then there are times I call you to sit […]
There are times I need you to be vigilant and courageous, times when your declarations of faith and prayers of intercession make all the difference. But then there are times I call you to sit […]
By Granville Reed IV In Ephesians 6:12 Paul tells us that as true believers, we wrestle not with each other, but against dark powers, rulers and principalities. The status of the world and country we […]
By Brian Simmons I stand before you, beckoning you to step into the fires of my holy passion. These fires of purity and love will burn away the residue of disappointment, pain, and sorrow. My […]
You Are Accepted Without Condition Life is busy enough without you also feeling pressured with religious duties. Despite what anyone may tell you, I don’t need you to perform for me. I don’t need you […]
We were designed to thrive in deep love relationship with Christ, being abundantly supplied in His overcoming Grace–casting every care and burden at His feet and resting in His perfectly finished work. We were made […]
By Brian Simmons This is a day of might and power for all who trust in Me. There will be many who will tell you to quit or to walk away. But I whisper into […]
You were made to experience my perfect love. Love that outshines all others. Love that is completely pure and selfless. Love that paid a price for you that no one else could ever pay so […]
If is asked you where you are right now, you would probably say that you are sitting somewhere quietly reading this. You are probably comfortable in the safety of your home or at your desk […]
There are instances in the Bible where the servants or workers lose their peace, but the ones who rest gain their peace. I believe these are symbols for many things but especially people who are […]
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