You Are Never Alone

For my friends… Allow His truth to supercede (take the place of) obstacles. Thoughts may try to infiltrate your mind and tell you that you’re lonely, abandoned or not loved. People leave your life, friends betray you and family may turn their back on you. Apply His everlasting TRUTH to the situation. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

You are never alone. He will never leave you, nor forsake (abandon) you. Speak to those awful thoughts that try to exalt themselves over His truth (His Knowledge). Turn your heart back toward Him. Take your focus off of what you see and feel. Bring your thoughts and emotions back into the obedience of His word. It is divine truth. His word is holy. His word is pure. Know that you are never alone and he will NEVER leave you. (Deut. 31:6).

Much like Abraham, He is mindful of you and you are His friend. Seek Him for answers. People have a tendency to prove themselves untrue, but our God is truth and life on an abundant and everlasting level. Instead of seeking comfort with other people (something they will never be able to fully provide), love them, forgive them and turn toward God for fulfillment. He will never let you down–even in those moments when you fail Him.
