
By Granville Reed

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
–Matthew 11:29-30

Has this ever happened to you? You are going through a hard and stressful situation in your life. You pray and you consult friends; you frantically attempt to find the solution to your problems. You go to church. All of a sudden the preacher goes into a litany of negative issues, telling the room Jesus is going to work it out and everyone is on their feet including you. You leave invigorated with a sense of joy. A joy that is temporary, for the very next time trouble Knocks at your door, you repeat that same process of being shaken, depressed, lost and weak.

Why do so many of us have these flirtations with faith instead of being in true new covenant relationship with God? Why are so many unknowingly utilizing worship to fan the flames of despair and anguish in our lives instead of totally surrendering to God and trusting in His promises, gaining momentary emotional escape rather than everlasting peace? The answer to this is, many of us are too busy ‘trying’ and not resting.

Growing up in the church, there was a popular phrase we would love to say. “What would Jesus do?” I offer unto you today this thought. When life twists and turns, do not ask yourself what Jesus would do, but take true refuge and concentrate on what Jesus did!! For what he did was everything. He canceled our sins and nailed our problems to the cross. When He said His yoke is easy, and burden light; He was making a huge understatement, His yoke is weightless and our only burden is to rest in Him; focusing in His word and depending upon Him for all things.

Our mere existence is overwhelming evidence of the Lord’s faithfulness and protection. What do we have to fear? Absolutely nothing. In life we will endure many things, but this one thing is true. If we rest with confidence in the finished work of Jesus, we endure with perfect peace, and we grow in wisdom, understanding and grace!!