I Hear His Whisper

The answer you need is found in me.

The reason you’ve been heavy and overwhelmed is because you’ve been seeking the answer for your problem in multiple places. Yes, you’re looking at me and seeking me, but you’re also stuck in your head, trying to reason things out. Instead of allowing your thoughts to drag you around in vicious circles, let your spirit lead you to me.

I want you to walk in singleness of heart. This means you must fix your attention on me and me alone. When all of your attention is on me, you’ll tap into the breakthrough, because everything you need is found in me. You’ll find the peace and joy you’ve allowed the enemy to steal, because in me is perfect peace and mystifying joy. Release the duty of finding a solution, so that I can show you my solution. You aren’t operating in grace and peace when you’re striving to figure things out. Stop relying on yourself to discover the key that will get you to the other side. Tether yourself to me with unyielding determination. Become so fixated on me that the heaviness and frustration cannot hold on. Stay consumed with me and breakthrough will come.

I Hear His Whisper written by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez