Gods Agape Love for You

By Timothy Virge

God’s agape love is the highest form of love there is. It is sacrificial, selfless, unlimited, and unconditional. This is God’s love for you Christian. God expressed His love for us, through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross.

God proved His love for us as Paul wrote in Romans 5:

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”Romans 5:8 NASB

He didn’t die for people who were clean. No, He died for people who were unclean. He didn’t die for the elite few. No, He died for everyone. He didn’t die for good people.  No, He died for all people. He didn’t die for people who don’t sin. No, He died for people who do sin. So the Cross of Christ demonstrated God’s love for the entire world and not just some of us! We all needed the forgiveness that comes through the blood of Christ alone, not by our upright living.

Jesus spoke concerning Himself and what He was about accomplish at the cross in John 15. His life paid for our sins on the cross and his sacrifice exemplified His love for us!

“Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends.”John 15:13 NASB

The Apostle John points to the sacrifice of Christ as well to demonstrate God’s Love for us in His epistle when he writes:

“By this the love of God was revealed in us, that God has sent His only Son into the world so that we may live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”–1 John 4: 9-10 NASB

Jesus died to pay for all of our sins. All of them were washed away forever through His blood, not just some of them- not just the ones you repented for, but all of them! He cleansed us of all unrighteousness and gave us a new identity as children of God. Jesus did for us in Love what we could never do for ourselves! While Christ was on the Cross you were on His mind. You, Christian, are God’s child born of the Spirit and born of God’s Love! Jesus Lives in you now and forever. Agape Love doesn’t have conditions attached to it, it’s unconditional.

Many will say, “Yeah, but you don’t know the things I’ve done!” Guess what, I don’t need to know! Jesus’s blood is bigger than your sin will ever be and His love is even bigger. God is crazy about you! He has given you His full approval and acceptance as an unconditional gift of His love.  This gift is not yours because you always behave or act like a strong Christian. It’s not given to you because you always live right. His love is yours because God lives in you and He is love and He is in love with you! Always and forever, His love for you is eternal.

He wants you to know His love and enjoy it rather than reject it just because you feel undeserving. None of us deserve it. Your feelings don’t need to be in perfect order before you enjoy God’s love. None of us feel loveable all of the time, but your feelings are not the litmus test for Gods love. It is God’s divine truth and unchanging character that is your guarantee of His love! He will never change and He cannot lie.

You are His Son/Daughter saved by His grace and by His Sacrifice, not yours. Your best efforts could never earn God’s love and your worst sin could never sabotage God’s love for you either. God loves you because of who He is, not because of what you do. You are God’s own possession and because of God’s love He will never leave you nor forsake you. You cannot lose God’s love because you never earned it to begin with, it’s His very nature and He will always in love towards you. God’s love is perfect because it’s for all humans, not just some select special group of people who are more deserving of His love-that’s nonsense- we don’t deserve it at all. None of us do. That’s what makes God’s love “Agape”! For God is not a liar. He is a truth teller and He is the greatest unconditional lover of all.

God is your unlosable lover christian!! Now and forever more!  Enjoy God’s agape (unconditional – unearned- undeserving – gifted) love for you because it’s a gift from God and you can never ever lose it! Marriage with Jesus is unbreakable and unending. Embrace the cross of Christ and enjoy God’s love like you never have before! without limits without any ifs, ands, or buts. It’s His work, His gift, His nature, His joy, and His good pleasure to have you and to love you perfectly and without Reservation. Remember Jesus’s words, “It is Finished” as you drink deeply from the well of God’s agape love for you, forever!